Glenvista’s dancing mom

After having twins Jade Tannous still followed her dream and opened the Jade Tannous Dance Academy this year

COMARO CRONICLE- At the tender age of three, Jade Tannous started dancing and this year her dream of opening her own dancing academy has finally become a reality.

The art of tap really inspired her and in 2002 she came sixth for a solo tap dance at the World Championships. The same year she was also part of a small tap dancing group who came sixth.

The year Jade turned 21, the UK Spirit of the Dance and Broadway cast toured South Africa, and she toured with the group for 12 weeks. Afterwards the cast asked her to accompany them to USA and take up a permanent position.

At the same time, Jade’s dad ended up in hospital after an accident and she decided to stay. During that period she also started dating her now husband, Jonathan.

A year ago Jade and Jonathan were blessed with twin girls; Jasmine-Rose and Juliana-Ava. Laughing, she said she only left home when they were four months old and would often just cry from exhaustion. She sometimes felt it was all she would be doing for the rest of her life.

With the help of her family, she started Jade Tannous Dance Academy in Glenvista and Waverley at the beginning of the year. She feels it is important for moms to live out their passion and lead by example.

Her advice to aspiring dancers is to follow your dream, don’t lose your focus and work very hard.

To parents with twins she says; good luck! Twins are a blessing. Choose each day to stay positive and remember: God only gives you what you can handle.

If you want your child to enter the world of dancing, phone Jade at 082 494 4046.

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