Booysens SAPS gets suspects convicted

SAPS management thanks the officers for their dedication and hard work in obtaining the conviction.

JOHANNESBURG SOUTH – The management at Booysens SAPS thanks police officers for their dedication and hard work in obtaining convictions.

Sergeant Nefuranyele was given a docket of possession of unlicensed firearm to investigate in September 2012, and with hard work the matter was taken to court and the accused found guilty as charged on possession prohibited firearm and count two, possession of ammunition. He was sentenced to two years in prison.

Warrant Officers Botha was given a carjacking docket in January 2014, a suspect was arrested and found guilty of the crime. The suspect was sentenced to 12 years direct imprisonment.

Sergeant Sono also received a case of carjacking in March of 2012. After investigations, four suspects were arrested and all four suspects were found guilty and sentenced to 15 years imprisonment. They were also declared unfit to possess firearms.

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