Top quotes and tweets in memory of Madiba

As South Africa commemorates the death of former President Nelson Mandela, here is a look at some of the quotes and tweets from the official memorial service.

“The world thanks you for sharing Madiba with us. His struggle was your struggle. His triumph was your triumph. Your dignity and hope found strength in his life, and your freedom, your democracy is his cherished legacy,” – USA President Barak Obama said at the official Nelson Mandela Memorial.

“We sing that he is one of a kind, that there is no one quite like him. ‘Nelson Mandela, Nelson Mandela akekho ofana naye’,” –  President Jacob Zuma said at the official Nelson Mandela Memorial.

“Madiba disciplined his anger; and channelled his desire to fight into organisation, platforms and strategies for action, so men and women can stand up for their dignity,” –  USA President Barak Obama said at the official Nelson Mandela Memorial.

Read the full article: The heavens shed a tear for Madiba 

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