Local author and script writer heading for the big time

Janice Foster, a Winchester Hills resident, has recently had her first book, Paranoid, published as an e-books, available on Amazon. The published copy should follow in the not too distant future.

WINCHESTER HILLS –  Born in Northern Ireland, Janice came to Cape Town, South Africa 30 years ago with her parents, brother, George and sister, Ruth. The family moved to Johannesburg 18 years later.

Janice has always loved reading but her first passion when she grew up and ventured into the world was to sing and write her own songs. “I loved this but it was very costly trying to make a name for myself and I didn’t enjoy the touring so, instead, I wrote the lyrics for a fantasy stage musical and progressed from there to a movie script comedy, Bankably Nuts, which will be produced in the USA later this year by Cloud Thirteen Productions.

“A short while after this my mom said, “Why don’t you write a book?” and not long after she passed away I decided to give it a go and wrote the first chapters of Paranoid,” Janice said.

It took Janice 11 months to finish the book, which is a thriller with lots of twists and then she had to find a publisher.

“After sending the manuscript to a few publishers I was very fortunate and found Tonja Bliss the CEO of KTF Pressin the USA.  She came back to me after only four days and told me she wanted to publish my book. It was an amazing feeling and I was on a high for days!  I’m really looking forward to seeing it in book form which should be quite soon and I’ve begun work on the sequel.

Exciting movie news

Happy that Paranoid had made it, Janice began writing a movie script, Ingenious Merger, which is a romantic comedy.

“The first draft of the script is finished and in the development stages with Jennifer Mostert (Sinkwa Productions). It’s so exciting, and the main location we are looking at to shoot around fifty per cent of the movie is Southern Riding Centre, right here in the South of Joburg!” she said.

Janice’s love for books has surely set her on her writing career, whether it be books or movies and with her natural talent for writing and her wonderful personality, she can only go far.

Cover Blurb

Is Julia’s fiancé a serial killer, or has the creeping power of her paranoia driven her to the edge of insanity?
Why does her fiancé have a list of the names of a serial killer’s victims, hidden in his study?
Why does her paranoia become extreme, when she unearths a small object?
Why does she keep narrowly missing death?
Why is the face of the killer’s, identical to hers?
In a race against time, Julia is about to find out that you never really know everything about the people you hold dearest to your heart.

Link to Amazon: Type the below link into your address bar on your internet browser page https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00MV9RVAU



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