
Concrete bin overflowing with rubbish

Owner of Magick Mushroom Montessori School which borders Linmeyer and The Hill, Jenny du Preez, is fed up of rubbish being dumped, not in but outside of the dustbin and all over the pavement.

LINMEYER – “This is the filthy scene we face each day outside our school! This concrete bin should be much larger and should be across the road at the takeaway and bottle store, not outside our school.

“The other evening I found a young man standing on it and throwing a blanket over the palisade fence to gain access to the school after hours over the fence. When I offered to open the gate for him, he ripped the blanket off and fled.

“We are waiting for Pikitup inspectors from Southdale to come and have a look at this mess,” said Jenny. “Something needs to be done as it’s a health and safety risk,” she added.


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One Comment

  1. Unfortunately this is becoming common practice in Linmeyer. People even drive to our public parks to dump their black bags full of rubbish. They would rather have the public spaces be full of garbage than wait for dustbin day.

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