A model hostel for municipal workers

One bedroom units will range between R1 030 and R1 300 and R1 600 to R1 850 for two bedrooms.

JOHANNESBURG SOUTH – Joburg municipal workers will get units to rent or rent to buy where they can live with their families in dignity and pride, as compared to the congested hostel Selby Village used to be.

Launching the project gave Ward 124 ANC Cllr Sydney Radebe, Joburg Mayor Parks Tau, Jihoyiya Mhlakwane and Johan Mpilani great joy as it was a project close to their hearts, and they have been involved in it since conception.

“I stayed in this hostel for at least three decades and today, to see this project finally being launched, makes me very happy. Back then 15 men used to share one unit with one bathroom, it was not nice at all.

When people drove by, all they saw were work suits hanging in the windows.That is why today I am glad people who walk past the hostel see women and children’s clothes. That is dignity right there! It shows that people now live with their families and have the privacy they deserve,” said Mpilani, making the crowd cheer.

This CBD-located hostel will be offered to employees of the City of Joburg as first-choice accommodation, but will be open to the public eventually.

The hostel is considered very cheap, considering it is in the CBD, and rent for one-bedroom units will range between R1 030 and R1 300 and R1 600 to R1 850 for two-bedroom units.

“When we started this project, we asked ourselves: how could we expect our workforce to work hard to make this city beautiful when they do not live in a place as appropriate as the ones they are supposed to build? That is why this project is one that is close to my heart,” said Tau.

“I remember I first came to the hostel when I was still a candidate for councillor, the people were skeptical and chased politicians away because they were tired of empty promises. That is why I am happy to be here today when we launch this project,” added Cllr Radebe, who was praised by some of municipal workers.

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