JRA to be the best municipal entity

Macozoma also said the JRA is taking its obligations very seriously and they urge the community to be actively engaged, and report issues by using available contact points.

JOHANNESBURG – During the inauguration of Find and Fix App on Thursday April 24, Skhumbuzo Macozoma, MD of Johannesburg Road Agency (JRA) said he wants JRA to be the best municipal entity which is capable of delivering its mandate.

In demonstrating to Joburg citizens it is serious about service delivery and now being more accessible than ever before, the JRA is launching its Find and Fix mobile application for testing by citizens. The official launch is set for May 14 once all platforms are finalised.

“The app is the first of its kind to be launched in the Southern Hemisphere, Middle East, Asia and Africa regions. Another African first for Joburg. The Find and Fix App will assist the public to report potholes, faulty traffic signals, storm water drains, manhole covers and other infrastructure issues related to JRA,” said Skhumbuzo Macozoma, MD of JRA.

The app will feature and accurate location with GPS coordinates and make it easy to provide photo evidence, which improves the JRA’s assessment of what is required to fix the fault, thereby enhancing efficiency and increasing productivity.

“Once launched, the Find and Fix App will be free and easy to use and can be downloaded for most mobile Operating System platforms such as Windows Mobile, Android and iOS for Apple. Issues can thus be reported with just a few clicks.

“We call on citizens to join in testing this exciting and innovative application. Residents can download the beta testing app for Microsoft platforms from April 25, Andriod phones on May 2 and iOS systems on May 9,” noted Macozoma.

The launch of this testing phase for the mobile App is part of the JRA service delivery drive called the ‘just tell us’ campaign, which is an initiative to ensure that the JRA is more accessible to citizens and road users in the City. The ‘just tell us’ campaign also seeks to stimulate the City’s ‘Active Citizenry’ priority focus, which promotes active involvement of the citizens in the City’s service delivery activities.

Macozoma also said JRA is taking its obligations very seriously and they urge the community to be actively engaged, and report issues by using available contact points. “When our workers lay around the trees not working, use the App or when our branded cars are seen parked on shebeens during working hours, tell us,” he commented.

The JRA has implemented an email address (hotline@jra.org.za), as well as Twitter (@MyJra) and Facebook sites to allow residents to interact on platforms convenient to them. JRA is also launching the service delivery mailbox for service frustrations that have not been resolved the first time or as promised.

Macozoma further said JRA is committed to become a centre of engineering excellence with service delivery efficiencies and satisfied customers.

The JRA encourages residents to report all road and storm water related issues, including potholes to 0860 562 874 and the new JRA Find and Fix App.

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