
The real story of St Mary’s Children’s Home

For children's homes the battle to remain open is as real as ever, as prices rise and with the government not prepared to allocate more money to help!

ROSETTENVILLE – Terribly sad, but true, homes such as St Mary’s are struggling to keep their doors open and it’s a constant battle to feed and clothe the children, as well as  keep on top of maintenance, not to mention municipal accounts which cripple the home.

The home is facing extremely difficult times and even though they do get many small contributions from warm hearted community members, they still need much more assistance.

“Some community members are very harsh and it’s come to the attention of the home that rumours are circulating in some circles that St Mary’s is well looked after and doesn’t need any help. I wish this was the truth but it’s not.  St Mary’s is battling every month to keep its head above water,” said Sonja Harmse, director of St Mary’s.

St Mary’s homes orphans and vulnerable children, providing them with a loving and caring home in which they can thrive and grow. At a price though. If you count how much you spend monthly on your grocery bill, municipal accounts, clothing and school fees, times it by 70 and see what it would cost. “This is what we have to cope with every month and without support from the community and businesses we are fighting an ever losing battle.

“Many of our children require medication and visits to the doctor or hospital and some also need therapy. With winter approaching, our medical accounts will exceed our budget and we’ll be left having to find funds. I’m appealing to corporates, small businesses and the community to open your hearts and help St Mary’s,” Sonja said.

Caring for the children at St Mary's Children's Home.
Caring for the children at St Mary’s Children’s Home.

The home is over one hundred years old and obviously maintenance needs are ongoing. “The roof needs urgent attention and with the heavy rains we’ve experienced this past week it’s necessary we get to it as soon as possible. We are presently revamping one of our cottages and this will need to be furnished with everything a home needs. We’ll need 12 single beds with enough linen, as well bedroom furniture, lounge furniture, kitchen goods, bathroom essentials, such as towels and face cloths.

Success stories

Many of the children of St Mary’s have done exceptionally well. Even though most of them came from broken or abusive homes they gone on to excel at school, become responsible adults, married and had children of their own. “It’s quite remarkable that children who have nothing can bloom. We at St Mary’s give our children all the love, care and support we are able to and even though we often can’t provide with them with material goods, our love and prayers have carried them through the tough times. Which there are many.

“With more support from the community and corporates we can do even better, making sure they have what they need. Our children do sometimes have new clothes but often its second-hand clothing and pass me downs which they wear with pride but imagine how they will feel if they can go and choose a new item of clothing or have a treat every now and then. Please help where you can,” concludes Sonja.

If you can assist in any way please contact Sonja 011 435 3820. 

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