
‘End of load-shedding in sight’ – Eskom

Eskom says the country's power grid has stabilised and there's a good chance no load-shedding will take place today.

JOHANNESBURG – The power utility is reported to have withdrawn the emergency status it announced on Thursday, March 6.

Eyewitness News (EWN) reported, “Eskom began implementing rolling blackouts across South Africa claiming that the relentless rain had caused the supply crisis.”

Eskom says the demand dropped significantly and the systems are stable.  EWN reported that the emergency was lifted at 10:00 on Thursday night, March 6.

Speaking to EWN, Eskom’s Andrew Etzinger says they will assess the situation later this morning.

He was quoted as saying, “We’ll be able to confirm later this morning if another emergency will be declared and whether load shedding will be necessary.

“We’re cautiously optimistic that we won’t have to resort to an emergency.”

Source: EWN

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