Regents Park exceeds expectations

A drive to improve learner performance using technology is starting to yield positive results in a school located in the South of Johannesburg.

REGENTS PARK: Regents Park Primary School, in partnership with the District (D11) of the Gauteng Department of Education and Imfundo-SA, aim to improve the result of parent participation in their children’s lives and advocate committed leadership at the school. Cutting-edge technology that monitors attendance and improves communication with parents has been implemented at the school.

The school has seen an average improvement of 15 percentage point across all grades. This brings their results to a whopping 66.5 per cent, a level that has not been reached in a long time.
The school has introduced a number of improvement initiatives. These includes, among other things, learners on time recording using biometric equipment, building a 21st century multimedia centre, intensifying teaching efforts by teachers.

“Without our teachers and parents, we could not have done it. This celebration is a token of our appreciation for our teachers’ commitment to learners and to educating them well. Our teachers have gone beyond the call of duty and have put extra effort to educating the children because every child is important to us and must attain to their level best,” said Mr Silas Pillay, school principal.

“Without our teachers and parents, we could not have done it. This celebration is a token of our appreciation for our teachers’ commitment to learners and to educating them well. Our teachers have gone beyond the call of duty and have put extra effort to educating the children because every child is important to us and must attain to their level best,” said Mr Silas Pillay, school principal.

Regents Park is one of the schools that is piloting the Imfundo-SA technology enabled improvement model with the intention of replicating it to other schools. Apart from the biometric system and the multimedia centre, the programme offers an individualised SMS communication between the school and the parents.
In order to ensure credibility of the results, Productivity SA, became one of the entities that compiled own reports from the raw data collected from the school.

“Productivity SA measures the efficiency and the effectiveness in organisation and we can confirm that there is effective communication between the school and the parents could be accurately measured and as at September 18, parents of the school had received over 20 000 communication SMSs,” said Ms Dimakatso Phiri, programme manager, education and training.

“Can we do better than this? Sure we can. We have great things planned for the next term. With the commitment we see from our teachers, our parents, our partners and the support from the district office, we certainly can achieve better results,” said Mr Pillay.

The school is fast reaching a stage where they will be able to ensure teachers and learners are in class on time, using technology Imfundo-SA systems with Intel tablets to enhance learner performance. After all, this is what Quality of Learning and teaching is about.

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