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Residents excited about lockdown level two

The RECORD reached out to our readers and asked them what they look forward to now that level two of lockdown has been implemented.


Yannick Herly: “We can go camping and get a refreshment again.”
Kayla Harmse: “Definitely excited about our wedding at Thaba Eco Hotel and our mini-moon at Sun City Resort.”
Wesley Smook: “I can finally start to work again.”
Samantha Jay Beeslaar: “I can finally visit my mom in the Western Cape.”
Selso Ndlovu: “Just glad that gym workers can also go back to work and fend for their families during level two.”
Bianca Jordaan: I am just happy to be able to buy smokes again and paying a normal price.”
Sharon Stevens: “Being able to buy a cigarette without feeling like a criminal.”
Shannon Griffiths: “I am pregnant and I’m excited that my family and friends can now be more involved.”
Joy Fiddes: “I am excited to be able to see my grandchildren again.”

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