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Giving back to the community

“As a responsible corporate business we like to give back to the community in which we operate. We focus in three main areas, youth empowerment, education and environmental management and that is why we chose this organisation,” said Pinky.

ON Tuesday June 14, volunteers from ABI (Amalgamated Beverage Industries) visited Chayil Foundation in Eikenhof, for a day of activities to assist the foundation.

Robyn le Roux, founder of Chayil Foundation, welcomed Pinky Lebitso, ABI corporate affairs specialist for the South region, and about 100 volunteers, who began arriving as early as 07:00 on a cold, dreary morning.

“As a responsible corporate business we like to give back to the community in which we operate. We focus in three main areas, youth empowerment, education and environmental management, and that is why we chose this organisation,” said Pinky. “We ask the beneficiary what are the most important things they need and Robyn came back to us, advising they needed another room for sewing which brings in funds, as well as more space to grow vegetables.”

The volunteers all got to work, clearing the overgrown land of weeds to make space for two vegetable tunnels, which they planted with vegetable seedlings.

“We service two soup kitchens every week for child-headed homes, one here in Eikenhof and the other in Eldorado Park, and we are always looking for vegetables. Volunteers from ABI installed two vegetable tunnels and planted vegetables for us. As well as supplying vegetables for the soup, we are hoping to make preserves which we can sell at farm markets,” said Robyn.

“One of the things we teach at the centre is sewing and our present sewing room was becoming too small, so this was a problem for us which ABI has solved. They have put in a container which is spacious and will go a long way to assisting us in our endeavours of sewing clothing to sell. The women who sew will be thrilled to have so much more space,” said Robyn.

As the day warmed up a little, ABI volunteers cleaned, painted, planted and also built outdoor tables and benches as well as compost boxes.

“This has really been a fantastic day for us and we’ve managed to help Chayil Foundation with what they needed most,” said Georgette Naidoo from ABI.

“A huge thanks to these wonderful people from ABI who came out and assisted us today. We are very grateful for everything they’ve done,” added Robyn, as the volunteers enjoyed lunch and then some fun and games.

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