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International cycling coach heading to SA

Cycling South Africa’s Coaching Commission will be hosting a UCI Level 2 Coaching Course.

CYCLING South Africa’s Coaching Commission will be hosting a UCI Level 2 Coaching Course in KwaZulu-Natal from Saturday to Friday, December 5 to December 11, in Westville.

This course will be presented by UCI accredited coach, Scott Bugden. Cycling SA will be flying Scott out from the UK and he brings considerable experience and will be valuable individual from which to learn from.

To be part of this course, candidates need to have been a Level 1 or an active Cycle Skill and Club Level Coach for twelve months. Alternatively, candidates can make an application to attend based on experience. Existing Level 2 coaches need not pre-qualify.

For further information on the course please contact Mark Carroll by email: coaching@cyclingsa.com

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