
My response to Nonhlanhla

During her term as councillor with the DA, what exactly has she done for this community and what will she do different now?

In response to Nonhlanhla P Mankomo’s letter dated 28 April, 2015, I am motivated and inspired by her exercising her right in respect to freedom of expression.
So Nonhlanhla, let me too, exercise my right to freedom of expression.

Bev Turke [sic] still has to explain why she was fired or resigned from the DA. She owes it to our community. During her term as councillor with the DA, what exactly has she done for this community and what will she do different now? Clr Faeeza Chame has only been around for a few months and already there’s a tangible difference particularly amongst the elders.

Bev Turke [sic] is now sneaking into our old age villages with cap in hand and tries to manipulate the elders once again to support her after the ANC gave her a lifeline by offering her a skroppie. The elders appears to be an easy target, as has been in the past for Bev. I’m afraid it’s too little too late. Once bitten twice shy.

Moffatview Old Age Village Tenant

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