
Step into your greatness

As a people development catalyst (life coach, author, motivational speaker, etc.) I get to speak to many people at different levels from different walks of life.

“I freed a thousand slaves, I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves.” – Harriet Tubman

As a people development catalyst (life coach, author, motivational speaker, etc.) I get to speak to many people at different levels from different walks of life. Most people I speak to always claim to be happy and content with their lives. The challenge with this is that they are not aware of their capabilities and end up just settling for the crumbs of life.

When you try to help them, they say they are fine and they are really not aware that they need serious help to bring out the best in them. Let me talk about four areas that really need focus at all times: Mental, physical, emotional and spiritual.

Focusing on these areas leads to balanced success. Feed your mind with good philosophies every day (read autobiographies, listen to positive messages, etc.), take good care of your body (exercise, eat well, rest, etc.), improve your emotional being (take note of what upsets you and how can you deal with it in mature way, what turns you on and increases these emotions as they lead to happiness), work on your spiritual being (draw your inspiration from whatever source you are drawing it from and this helps you to understand your purpose why you are alive).

These are the basic steps that we should all follow, leading to happiness in our lives. Once you read and/or listen to something positive every day (early morning and evening before you sleep), walk or run around the block if you cannot afford a Virgin Active membership, learn what drives you, draw your inspiration and be inspired to be the best you can be every day.

For more inquiries on a book, life coaching sessions, etc. do contact me on:

Veli Ndaba – The author of: You Are Born to Win, 0105911197,

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