Editor's note

Pets are only pets until the novelty wears off

If there is the slightest doubt in your mind that you cannot keep your pet all the time, please don't even consider the idea of getting a pet.

Some people just should not have the right to own a pet!

This week’s front page of the Alberton RECORD (the sister publication for the Comaro CHRONICLE and Southern COURIER) carries the story about the influx of pets at the Alberton SPCA over the festive season.

Fact: More cats and dogs where donated to the SPCA over the festive season than strays being picked up. And donated simply means that cats and dogs have been dropped off at the SPCA by people who no longer want them as pets.

People see a puppy or kitten and they fall in love with the cuteness which surrounds this little ball of fur. So the next step would be: “Let’s get a pet!” But they don’t stop to think twice about the responsibilities. Not only when these little animals grow up and costs for vets increase. But they also don’t give a second thought about what will happen to this extension of the family when you go away for a weekend or a holiday. It is after all a commitment you enter into when you open your heart and home to any kind of pet – the commitment to care for and protect.

Then a couple of months down the line, when it suits you and your family to go on a three-week holiday or whatever, you pack your precious, and oh once so cute parcel, and drop it off at the SPCA without blinking an eye, because it is no longer your problem.

We urge people to think twice about getting a pet. No matter how much your children are nagging. If you know that at some stage this pet will no longer be welcome in your household, or it might just not fit into your lifestyle – please refrain from giving in! If there is the slightest doubt in your mind that you cannot keep this pet all the time, and give it the love and attention and a safe home for as long as he or she will need it, please don’t even consider the idea of getting a pet.

And with that, an appeal to assist the Alberton SPCA with a donation (whether it be financial or something like dog food, blankets etc.) to help them to manage. If you can assist, please contact the Alberton SPCA 011 907 1568.

If you are truly an animal lover and you know you will be able to provide a cat or dog with a loving home for as long as they need it, the Alberton SPCA has plenty to choose from.

You can read the full story on our App. Download it here.

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