
What’s the NFP doing about job creation?

I read with great interest and amusement the letter in the Southern COURIER online dated October 22. The letter by the National Freedom Party Youth Movement (NFPYM) queries the ‘massive jobs’ that were promised by the two main parties during election time. Unbelievably, the NFPYM logic is that 12 million jobs would be created by …

I read with great interest and amusement the letter in the Southern COURIER online dated October 22. The letter by the National Freedom Party Youth Movement (NFPYM) queries the ‘massive jobs’ that were promised by the two main parties during election time.

Unbelievably, the NFPYM logic is that 12 million jobs would be created by 2019 as both the ANC and the DA ‘promised’ six million jobs each. I haven’t heard something more illogical in a long time.

The DA said that under a DA government these jobs would be created. The ANC, on the other hand, explained that under an ANC government six million job ‘opportunities’ would be created – something completely different.

Certainly, where the DA governs the unemployed rate is the lowest. The NPPYM has asked for ‘proof and statistics’ showing job creation. In all areas where the DA governs unemployment is the lowest. This cannot be disputed as this is a fact. For example, StatsSA confirms that in Midvaal where the DA governs, the unemployment is at 18 per cent, the lowest in Gauteng. Johannesburg, on the other hand has an unemployment rate of 25 per cent.

However, I think it’s rich for the NFPYM to write such a letter when their party is in a coalition government with the ANC nationally.

What is the NFP doing to get their coalition partner, the ANC, to create jobs? If they’re doing nothing about this, then why not? If they’re doing something, then why no success, as our economy deteriorates daily?

Manny de Freitas MP, Shadow Minister of Transport, Member of Parliament for Johannesburg South

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