
Bellavista seniors feel forgotten

A smelly drain flows past two doors of the seniors and smells very bad.

JOHANNESBURG SOUTH – Seniors at the Bellavista Old Age Home at the corner Napier Street and Bellavista Road invited the COURIER to witness their horrible living conditions on Tuesday October 14.

The seniors said they feel ignored and forgotten by the those who are supposed to care for them in management, and by the organisations that help seniors in other senior homes.

The Bellavista Old Age Home has long grass that has not been cut since last year December, but was reported numerous times.

The pole light in the middle of the 16 cottages is no longer working, and the yard gets very dark at night, making it hard for the elderly citizens to walk outside to fetch something they might need.

Leaking rain gutters and ceilings were mentioned by every senior who wanted to get his or her voices heard by the people.

But shockingly, there is a leaking drain that smells horrible and flows past the doorsteps of two cottages.

In fact, the residents of these cottages have to close their doors so that they can cook. The drain was also reported several times, before it was witnessed by the COURIER.

The seniors want these services attended because they also deserve to live in a healthy and looked-after environment.

Seniors said they are supposed to be part of the Reuven Old Age Home, but they do not get invited to the socials and events at Reuven.

They feel forgotten, because they only see what was happening at Reuven in the newspapers.

“We miss having organisations come here to donate things and assist us when we need help. We used to have such people and organisations coming here until the lady who used to get them to come got sick and was taken away by her daughter.” said one of the senior ladies.

Bellavista seniors would appreciate it if they could get their voices heard and helped.

View a video of the seniors talking about what they want: or search: Forgotten senior citizens in Bellavista on youtube.

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