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Marist Brothers Linmeyer commemorates Mandela Day

The creativity and dedication displayed by the learners was truly inspiring.

Marist Brothers Linmeyer learners celebrated Mandela Day with an inspiring initiative that brought the community together.

Encouraged to bring soup cans, the learners worked collaboratively to create a stunning 46664 display, symbolising Nelson Mandela’s legacy and commitment to social justice.

The event saw an overwhelming response, with learners and their families contributing generously. The final count of donations reached 1090 cans.

These will be distributed among three deserving organisations: South Hills Community Outreach, St Vincent de Paul, and Bienvenu Shelter.

Their efforts not only honoured Mandela’s legacy but also demonstrated the power of collective action and community spirit.

Marketing manager Tracy Edwards said: “We extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who participated and contributed to this initiative. Your support has made a significant difference in the lives of many.”

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