
JMPD arrests 135 people for alcohol-related offences in Joburg

The JMPD’s recent enforcement drive saw the arrest of 135 people for driving under the influence, sending a strong message against reckless behaviour on the city’s roads.

The JMPD has issued a stark warning after the arrest of 135 individuals for driving under the influence of alcohol in the City of Johannesburg between February 19 and 25.

JMPD spokesperson Superintendent Xolani Fila said officers found these offenders to have breathalyser readings exceeding the legal limit of 0.24mg/l, leading to their detention at various police stations.

“This alarming trend serves as a sobering reminder of the dangers posed by drunk driving and the urgent need for heightened awareness and responsible behaviour on our roads.

“It is imperative that individuals understand the gravity of their choices when it comes to alcohol consumption and transportation. Driving under the influence not only endangers the lives of those behind the wheel but also puts innocent bystanders at risk of injury or death. The senseless loss of life that can result from such reckless behaviour is entirely preventable and serves as a sobering reminder of the importance of responsible decision-making.

“We urge community members to prioritise safety above all else. Planning ahead by designating a sober driver, using public transport, or opting for ride-sharing services are simple yet effective ways to avoid the temptation of driving under the influence. Additionally, friends and family members are encouraged to intervene if they suspect someone is attempting to drive while impaired, potentially saving lives in the process,” said Fihla.

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