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Festive operation clamps down on crime

Brackendowns SAPS in partnership with several stakeholders recently conducted a festive season crime-busting operation.

Different law enforcers recently joined hands to conduct a crime-busting operation at Brackendowns SAPS’ policing precinct.

The station’s Vispol head, Lieutenant Colonel Antoinette Foord addressed the CPF, AfriForum, Fox Security, CPS Security and Expol Security about crime hotspots in the area.

The operation was successful with two people arrested for dealing dagga and the recovery of a hijacked vehicle (a white Ford Ranger).

“Brackendowns detectives also arrested one male for perjury. The gentleman was hijacked on September 24 and reported a hijacking case on October 14. The investigation proved that he lied and the passenger also confirmed the correct scene of crime.

He will appear at Palm Ridge court,” said Brackendowns SAPS’ Sergeant Lindile Moloi.

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