
Self-discipline makes success possible

Without self-disicpline most things wouldn't go right.

Self-discipline is your ability to work toward a goal systematically and progressively until you’ve reached it. It includes acquiring knowledge and skills.

You can become positively obsessed, single-minded and efficient to strive without giving up, to work consistently day after day, week after week and year after year, until your purpose is fulfilled. Self-discipline is the power to say, “This is what I want in life, this is how I’m going to get it and if I must give up some other things I will because it’s worth it in the long run.”

To be self-disciplined, you must learn to develop a kind of obsession that glows like a beacon in a storm. You must learn to watch that light and steer your course towards it no matter what gets in your way or how long it takes.

Self-discipline is the single ingredient that makes success possible for anyone who dreams of achieving great things. Without it, there would be no Olympic gold medal winners, no great artists, musicians or writers, no brilliant inventors, grand Prix winners or multi-millionaires. Every person who has made enduring success in life used self-discipline to get there.

If self-discipline is so effective, why do so many people don’t have it? Unfortunately, we live in a quick-fix society where old-fashioned effort isn’t appreciated.

Merely everyone wants to be an overnight success. People spend their money as soon as they make it to get instant gratification through material things and the same people wonder why they are not getting anywhere.

The truth is, without paying the price and without trying, most people will fail at what they set out to do. It takes years of hard work and discipline to master your skill or craft.

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