
Angels Baby Sanctuary needs your help

It is with great excitement that on Friday March 14 we welcomed our first baby into our home. It is because of the COURIER and everyone that donated to the home that made this possible. Angels thanks each one of you. Should you wish to visit the home or become a volunteer please call our …

It is with great excitement that on Friday March 14 we welcomed our first baby into our home.

It is because of the COURIER and everyone that donated to the home that made this possible. Angels thanks each one of you. Should you wish to visit the home or become a volunteer please call our housemother Rani 011 4352337.

Please remember all our fundraisers: Pamper day – March 29 starting from 09:00 at 34 Talfelberg Avenue, Oakdene. Dinner Dance – Saturday May 31 at Crown Gardens Recreation Center, tickets will be available shortly.

We look forward to meeting you at our home and at the fundraisers.

Anne, Angels Baby Sanctuary

Tel: 011 434 4227

Cell: 0 81 049 6228

Website: www.angelsbaby.org

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