
Johannesburg South experiencing power outages

Readers have been phoning into the CHRONICLE office, saying they are without electricity.

SOUTH OF JOHANNESBURG – One reader from Glenvista said the power went off at about 11:00. “Here we go again! I’ve tried to obtain a power outage schedule and I’ve googled the link but there’s nothing to see. It will be very helpful if we at least know when our power is going off and then we can organise what we have to do around the power outages,” he said.

Kibler Park and Mulbarton is also without electricity.

One woman in Kibler Park said, “We’ve kept expecting power cuts but now it’s actually happening it’s so inconvenient.”

City Power has embarked on load shedding as per the load shedding schedule due to an emergency request from Eskom this morning to manage national electricity supply constraints.

“We ask all our customers to use electricity sparingly by switching off non essential appliances and equipment during peak hours,” said Louis Pieterse, City Power’s Director of Engineering Operations.

Customers are urged to switch off appliances and equipment during outages to avoid damages during the power restoration.

A note from Eskom, “Eskom will only be doing load shedding as a last resort. We are however publishing these schedules to enable customers to be better prepared in the event that load shedding is required to protect Eskom’s national power system.

“Customers are encouraged to take note of the schedule and engage with Eskom via our Contact Centre at 086 003 7566 /086 00 ESKOM or our web page.”

City Power apologises for the inconvenience and will keep the customers updated on the situation through its website and twitter: @CityPowerjhb

Please let us know if you are also experiencing loss of power. E-mail: or phone 011 724 7000 and ask for Julie Maule.

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