Protecting yourself during mall robberies

Always be aware and vigilant and ensure your own and other's safety.

Fidelity ADT has issued a warning to the public to use caution and vigilance when visiting shopping centres.

This follows a safety alert issued by SAPS last week that various chain stores are being targeted at shopping malls in Alberton and Germiston areas,

Milly Barnard, community development manager for Fidelity ADT said, “The first rule to follow is to be aware and vigilant at all times.”

Tips and precautions for business owners and customers

Test and train:

Business owners are advised to test their alarm and panic buttons regularly to ensure that they are in working order in the event of an emergency.

Staff should be trained on emergency procedures and ensure that the business has an emergency plan in place. Controlled entrances are important in preventing over-crowding in your store.
Make sure you have measures in place to restrict movement at entrances and exits t

o your business for both staff and customers. Implementing solutions that assist you in doing this could dramatically reduce shrinkage in your business.

Be alert during opening and closing times and always work in pairs to prevent being surprised or being overpowered by criminals.

Listen to instructions:

If you as a shopper are in a store that is being robbed co-operate with robbers for your safety. Listen to their instructions closely and follow their instructions. Try and keep as calm as possible.

Everyone reacts differently but try and breathe deeply until help arrives. Do not use your cell phone whilst the robbery is in process, this could agitate the assailants.

Immediately try and find a sheltered spot and keep low on the ground. Avoid direct eye contact with the assailants.
Take note of the assailants to pass the information on to the authorities such as what they were wearing, any distinctive clothes, markings or jewellery.

Try and remember what they look like noting things like ethnicity, height, weight and language. Ensure that your children are kept close to you at all times and do not let children wander off while you are shopping.
Do not shop with large amounts of cash or valuables on your person.

Move out of sight:

If you are not in the store that is being robbed speak with the store personnel of the store you are in to firstly close the shop entrance doors or roller shutter doors and move to the back of the store, out of sight.

This is standard operating procedures in many malls. If you are not in a store try and find the store closest to you and secure yourself as described.

Do not try and exit via the standard entry and exit points as these are the same points the robbers will be using. Many malls now have standard operating procedures to lock down the mall.

“Criminals are brazen, I urge all citizens to protect themselves, do not try to video or post the robbery on social media with your cell phone as it happens. Remain calm and wait for the perpetrators to leave the mall before rushing to your car, you don’t want your car to become the getaway car,” said Barnard.

“Crime is becoming more sophisticated, with inside information playing an increasingly prominent role. Whether you were in the store being robbed or just witnessed the incident in the centre, you should seek counselling, regardless of how you might feel. It often takes some time to experience and deal with the post-traumatic stress following such robberies.”

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