Learner (12) wants to donate 100 bags to abused children and babies

Zanelle Huyzers wants to donate 100 bags to abused children and babies.

Zanelle Huyzers (12) is collecting goods to pack 100 bags for abused children and babies.

She needs baby bags, baby soap, baby lotion, wet wipes, baby blankets, softs toys for comfort, facecloths, toothpaste, toothbrushes, and a small packet of sweets.

β€œIt is my wish to collect as many goods as possible so that I can reach my target,” said Zanelle.

Her mother, Rika, also registered her charity, Archangel Raphael’s Helper, as a non-profit organisation.

β€œI also want to thank everyone who has donated so far. I do appreciate all the help,” added Zanelle.

To donate, contact Rika on 072 980 9835.

Zanelle Huyzers is collecting goods for abused children and babies.

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