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Alberton couple postpone honeymoon to India due to coronavirus

Coronavirus pandemic causes couple to postpone their honeymoon to India.

“I was in tears after I heard that we would have to postpone or cancel our honeymoon to India due to the coronavirus, but in the end, it was for the best,” said Anika Bosch from Florentia.

She and her high school sweetheart, Christiaan Potgieter, got married on March 14 at Cradle Valley Guesthouse in Muldersdrift and they were supposed to go on honeymoon from March 15 to April 1.

But due to the coronavirus pandemic, they had to move their honeymoon to another time.

All their bags were packed and they were ready to go.

“Everything on my list was ticked off as there are a few very important things to take with when travelling to India. Most of my planning and time went into our honeymoon, and in a blink of an eye everything just changed,” said Anika.

Ten months of planning was shattered to pieces with just one phone call from their trip advisor telling them that India just went into quarantine and that they can’t go on their honeymoon.

“We lost our travel insurance as they said their policy does not cover the virus.

“Airlines gave us the option to move our flights as they don’t do refunds.

“In the end, we moved the trip to September because of India’s monsoon season, which normally takes place from May to August.”

According to the couple, everything worked out for the better.

“In the end, I am glad things happened when it did, we would not be able to come back now due to South Africa being under a 21-day lockdown. We would have missed out on the rest of our tour as India also went into lockdown.”

There was, however, a silver lining as they went away for a week to the South Coast as a pre-honeymoon.

“Things always happens for a reason and we are looking forward to our trip in September,” they said.

The couple on their wedding day. (Photo: Infinity Times Infinity Productions)

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