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Unit in Bellavista damaged by heavy rain

Heavy rains leave an open hole on the ceiling.

What she thought would be a peaceful morning turned into a nightmare when Diane Morgan from Bellavista experienced flooding in her unit.

The flooding was a result of the heavy rain in the early hours of February 8.

The 66-year-old told the COURIER she was awakened by the heavy rain, which flooded her unit leaving an open hole in the ceiling.

“When I woke up the whole place was full of dirty water. My furniture were floating.

“I didn’t know what to do at that time. We tried sweeping the water away, but our efforts yielded no results.

“The rain kept seeping in through the roof down to the rooms,” said Morgan.

All Diane Morgan wants is to see her ceiling repaired.

She could not reach out to her neighbours for help because the heavy rain prevented her from going outside.

“At that time it was only me and my granddaughter so we tried to fight the rain but it was too strong. It kept on flooding in.

“We moved some of the furniture to safety and then waited until it stopped,” explained Morgan.

It was after the rain had stopped that they noticed the hole in the ceiling, saw that some of the furniture were ruined and some of Morgan’s documentation was compromised.

“The neighbours came to help us clean. I had to fix things and spend money, which I didn’t budget for,” she said.

One of the neighbours, Rosaina Nhate, said she feels sorry for Morgan for going through such pain alone.

Morgan claimed she went to the councillor’s office for assistance with regards to the open hole in her ceiling, but no one assisted her.

Councillor Rashieda Landis said she isn’t aware of the unit that was damaged. However, she advised that Morgan go the housing department to report the matter.

Diane Morgan irate with the hole caused by heavy rains.

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