
Don’t fall victim to smash and grabs

Smash and grabs are a cruel reality on the roads. How can you protect yourself from such an experience?

You’re at the traffic light, minding your own business when suddenly there’s glass everywhere and your belongings have disappeared off with someone else… a reality experienced by many in this country.

It can happen to just about anyone, anywhere. We understand that emotions get heightened in the moment and often leave you feeling helpless, so we’ve put together tips to help you avoid being a victim of the Speedy Gonzales smashers.

  • First and most importantly – be AWARE of your surroundings. Do your best to be vigilant of what’s happening around you – avoid using your cellphone to text or make a call as well as having discussions with passengers that may cause you to lose focus!
  • Be on the lookout for any obstacles on the road. If you see there’s shattered glass on the road, this could be an indication of a smash and grab hotspot. If you hit strange debris in the road (like rocks on a highway which would normally be clean, etc.), don’t get out of your car to check – rather drive (safely) to a secure area where you can check out whether there is any damage. If it’s safe (and feasible) to, reverse and drive off in a different direction.
  • Keep your doors locked and, if possible, windows closed or rolled down slightly – but not enough to give access to slippery fingers. Smash and grabs don’t only happen with closed windows, and a slightly open window is more flexible and resistant to shattering.
  • When driving late at night, slow down well in advance to avoid stopping at a traffic light – slow down enough for the light to turn green by the time you reach the intersection but not slow enough to put yourself in danger. Remember to check the intersection for cars which may be trying to skip the red light before you zoom off.
  • When stopping at an intersection, leave enough space between you and the car ahead – you should be able to see the back tyres of the car in front of you. This way, you have an escape route should you need to use it.
  • If possible, avoid the outer lanes and use the middle lane. Smash and grabbers like to hide in bushes, behind trees or lurk around the outer lanes.
  • Pimp up your windows with a protective smash and grab film – don’t just make it harder for criminals to get access, make it even harder for them to see into your private mobile space.

What happens if your car gets damaged while you’re making your escape? You shouldn’t be expected to worry about the financial implications of being a victim of a crime while recovering from the trauma you endured. Car insurance takes care of the admin intensive task of financing repairs so your life can resume as soon as possible. Get an insurance quote today to put your mind at ease so you can live your way.

MiWay is a licensed insurer & FSP 33970. Ts & Cs apply.

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