
How will you be celebrated?

Let the world celebrate you while you are alive and when you are gone.

“Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live.” – Norman Cousins

This quote above is very heavy if you fully understand it. So, being alive is not just about breathing, but striving to get closer to a higher self. What would you like to be said about you when you’ve left this planet?

Malcolm Forbes, the founder of Forbes magazine, has these words engraved on his tombstone: ‘While Alive, He Lived’. He was highly motivated and retained a childlike excitement throughout his life. He was never deterred by external noises and people’s opinions of him. Let’s look at the meaning of motivation. Motivation comes from the word “motive” and motive is the reason for doing something. This motive comes from the Latin word movere/motivus which means ‘to move’. So, motivation is the engine for doing things. This is what compels and drive us to take consistent action in pursuit of that which matters most to us. For us to move, we need to cultivate our motivation. You cultivate motivation by having ambition or desire about something and expect it to happen – through your deeds, not just waiting and hoping. It is this mindset that sparks motivation.

When you allow ambition or desire to die, then you have died a more serious death than death itself. I was born to motivate you, to make you realise that you matter and that you have something special and unique in you. What you have in you is truly one of a kind and don’t let it die inside you. Let the world celebrate you while you are alive, and when you are gone, let them say, “While Alive, He Lived!” The world has been waiting for you; show up.


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