
What are operating hours for pubs?

SAPS have undertaken to do more regular raids in the area.

I am a resident of La Rochelle and I would like the relevant authorities to reduce the operating hours for pubs in our community.

In our neighbourhood on weekends you can’t walk freely as these drunkards urinate just anywhere and shout – especially when they come across girls or women. At night things are even worse because they become wild and uncontrollable. These pubs also play loud music until the next morning: on Fridays they play music until Saturday morning and the same applies on Saturdays when they play music on Sunday mornings.

My friend who resides in Regents Park was also telling me the same story about the pubs in Augusta Street. Loud music is played at night and the next morning used condoms are strewn all over in the streets.

Can Mayor Clr Herman Mashaba dispatch the JPMD officers to fix this issue in Joburg South? Some of these pubs are operating illegally; foreigners have used a loophole in our liquor licensing system to their advantage, and are operating unlicensed liquor outlets.

Please can something be done in our community about this problem? My suggestion is that these outlets operate between 9am to 8pm; failure to comply should result in the outlet’s operating licence being cancelled.

The second issue is that these outlets are selling liquor and cigarettes to kids who are under 18 years. Can the relevant authority come up with a strategy to monitor all liquor outlets so that we can have a better society?

Worried resident

Ward 57 Clr Faeeza Chame’s response:

I do not agree with what is happening in La Rochelle and Augusta Street in Regents Park. JMPD and SAPS are fully aware of these people not respecting the law.

SAPS have undertaken to do more regular raids in the area. The residents must also know that we do have CPF in the area and they must be contacted if the noise occurs. Unfortunately, we have also discovered that most off these clubs operate with licences that were obtained, but proper procedures were not followed. For example, the officials that ok the licence did not do a proper check to see whether the place or club is in a residential area or whether the community was informed.

SAPS and JMPD must be sterner with the clubs that operate beyond their operating period. A stern fine must be issued or their sound systems must be confiscated.

Clr Faeeza Chame (081 329 7424 OR faychame@hotmail.com)

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