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Share your story with the Courier’s readers

There are a lot of talented and established individuals and groups in the South and the COURIER is looking to give them more exposure.

The Southern COURIER team has acknowledged that the South is blessed with individuals and groups who have done some great work, and the people’s paper will be running profiles on a weekly bases to support locals.

Having previously done write-ups about residents of the South who are doing some great work as entertainers and professionals, it has come to the COURIER’s attention that a lot of local, talented, skilled and gifted people are not receiving the support or recognition they need or deserve.

The COURIER encourages everyone in the entertainment industry (musicians, actors, dancers, authors, directors, producers, magicians, etc.) to forward their details and a short description to us.

Or, if you know of somebody with an extraordinary story to share, please don’t hesitate to make contact.

Send your details to jamesm@caxton.co.za and luckyt@caxton.co.za

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