
Aviation camp for the girls

The objective of the camp is to provide a fun, yet educational programme so that the girls can learn more about aviation and aerospace.

DURING the April holidays four learners from Sir John Adamson High School, Naledi Modisakeng, Lindokuhle Mahlaule, Bonga Nkosi and Makhakhela Makhabane attended an aviation and aerospace camp.

The purpose of the camp was to promote an interest among girls for aviation and aerospace.

The Girl Friday Programme in Africa (GFPA) is designed to expose girls to this niche industry. There are major sponsors such as ATNS, SA Express, Acumen Software, ACSA and Execujet that ensure that these camps are fully paid for.

The objective of the camp is to provide a fun yet educational programme so that the girls can learn more about aviation and aerospace. They aim to encourage learners to pursue science, technology, engineering and maths-related careers.

One of the educators, Ms Ayanda Nyembe, was instrumental in initiating the programme. She has worked in aviation for many years and has a passion for South African Woman in Aviation (SAWIA). This was a wonderful experience for the four girls, who are so grateful to Ms Nyembe who made it possible for them to attend the camp.

It was a fantastic, motivating and interesting experience. They learnt about recreational aviation and aviation as a career. They went paragliding, built model aircraft and raced with the people who made the model cars for Formula One.

“We met amazing people who were already involved in aviation or in the aerospace industry. We were given goody bags and met people from big companies such as SAA and SAFA. This camp was during the April holidays and was a great experience that we will never forget,” said Naledi Modisakeng.

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