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Rietvlei Zoo Farm teaches kids about nature

Children who attend the Zak’s Enviro Club at Rietvlei Zoo Farm learn about natural and local history.

RIETVLEI Zoo Farm offers many opportunities for members of the whole family to have fun while interacting with nature.

Zak’s Enviro Club (ZEC) stimulates the growth and development of children during school holidays while educating them about wildlife and the environment.

The RECORD joined ZEC on Thursday, July 16, as the children were led on a walk through the farm to the Tswana ruins. The children learned about the local history, the history of the ruins, environmental safety and the conservation of the local flora and fauna. Th children were supervised as they assisted in building up the walls of the Tswana ruins.

ZEC is a holiday program that runs during every public school holiday at the Rietvlei Zoo Farm. It was started by Adele Spear in April 2014. Adele is an occupational therapist who has been organising holiday programs for 12 years. ZEC caters for children between the ages of four and 12 years.

Nicolene Liebenberg and her husband John Wagenaar educate the children on environmental issues. Nicolene and John are conservationists and trained animal handlers who can handle both large and small predators. They provide the club members with knowledge about sustainable development, biodiversity and conservation.

Adele and Nicolene spoke with pride about the social and emotional development that they have seen in the children who have attended the holiday programs. Exposure to nature and working in groups to create projects and reach goals has helped the children immensely.

For further information follow Zak’s Enviro Club on Facebook, contact Adele Spear on 083 665 6334 or send an email to adelespear@gmail.com.

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What’s Happening at Rietvlei Zoo Farm

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