
SANCO against xenophobia

We at Ward 124 as SANCO collective and individuals reject in the strongest possible terms all violence and discrimination acts against people who are not South Africans. We call upon all South Africans to uphold the values of the South African constitution and to hold firm to the fundamental principles that all people, irrespective of …

We at Ward 124 as SANCO collective and individuals reject in the strongest possible terms all violence and discrimination acts against people who are not South Africans.

We call upon all South Africans to uphold the values of the South African constitution and to hold firm to the fundamental principles that all people, irrespective of country of origin, are equal before the law and entitled to dignity and respect

We call upon our government to act decisively to quell all xenophobic violence.

As individuals and as an organisation we solemnly pledge not to engage in, or support in whatever way, any act that amounts to prejudice and discrimination against people who are not South African, and to stand up and defend the rights and human dignity of all . We solemnly pledge to further educate ourselves, our friends and our families about the scourge of xenophobia and how our humanity suffers when we injure others. We say: An injury to one is an injury to all!

Eric Khetho, Branch Chairperson

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