
Tree branches left for weeks

High grass at the home is the norm.

THREE weeks after the trees had been cut at Moffatview Old Age Home, the branches had still not been collected.

High grass at the home is the norm. Branch chairperson of the ANC Ward 57 William Ntsanwisi said it is not the role of the community to remove the branches and cut the grass, but the local councillor’s responsibility.

“Residents do not have the power as the councillor. The councillor needs to take residents’ problem to heart. There was supposed to be an arrangement to collect the branches before they cut them. Now there’s danger lurking. We’ve assigned Bev Turk to work with old age homes, she will facilitate this kind of thing and make the city aware.

“We need a responsible councillor. A meeting will be called as there’s no activity here. Residents need to know that we also have the Ward Development Forum (WDF), which is a multi-party entity to help the residents with every problems they encounter,” he explained.

Ward 57 Cllr Faeeza Chame admitted that she knows about this. “Council cut the trees and left it there for three weeks. I had numerous calls from the residents to have it removed. I informed Pikitup to have it removed. They went to Moffatview and when they came there, they informed me that it was City Parks that must remove it. When I informed City Parks I was told that is was Housing Department. I went to see Mr Albert Langeveld from Housing and he also told me it was not his job, but he will do me a favour and only after three days of speaking to him, I was informed that it was removed,” she said.

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