Newlywed woman attacked at Glenanda home

Scared to go home, this newlywed says she can't stand the thought of being alone at her home after she was attacked by criminals.

GLENANDA – Newlywed Bianca Berry was home alone with her little Chihuahua, Norma-Jean enjoying her last day of the school holidays on January 9, before going back to work, listening to music and enjoying a favourite song.

Bianca and her husband Jason Berry had recently returned from their honeymoon and she was still basking in the joy of her new marriage.

She had no idea of the danger lurking outside her home, as three criminals were busy derailing the gate attempting to gain entry into her house.

“I heard the dog bark, but I wasn’t alarmed because I was expecting something from so I opened the window and I saw the three guys, two had guns and one had a stick. I got a fright and I screamed and went to the passage, but the men were already in the house,” recalled Bianca Berry.

The next words she remembers hearing was: “Shut up or we’ll shoot you.”

A suspect had managed to grab hold of her as she tried to run to safety, the other suspect zip-lined to Norma-Jean. Luckily the Chihuahua managed to hide outside the house avoiding harm.

“I’m going to kill you, where’s your phone,” asked one of the armed men. The other two suspects proceeded to ransack the house, taking every valuable thing in sight. In a matter of minutes, Bianca said the men had cleaned them out: computers, mounted flat TV screen which they removed with ease, cellphone, money and her handbag.

“He (the suspect) threw me to the floor and I landed in a prayer position. I started to pray to the heavenly father to please help us,” said a visibly shaken Bianca. “Stand down,” shouted the man as he shoved her to the floor.

Mondeor SAPS Communications Officer, Constable Sibongile E Mnguni, confirmed the incident report. “A case of house robbery opened with Mondeor; three African men were suspects, two had firearms and one had a stick. They derailed the gate to gain entry and a silver vehicle was used. A handbag and electronic appliances were taken.”

Bianca and Jason were concerned about the reaction time of 40 minutes by Mondeor SAPS and how the officer dusting for finger prints conducted himself. Constable Mnguni addressed the concerns, saying: “Unfortunately Mondeor SAPS is not aware of the victim’s complaints referring to how the members handled themselves at the scene. Mondeor attended the scene in 23 minutes, which is within acceptable reaction time. Our finger prints are done by our provincial office, not by the station.”

The words “stand down” said by the suspect to Bianca sounded like something to take note of as it had a military ring. However, Constable Mnguni said “Unfortunately the phrase ‘stand down’ is not South African Police Service terminology.”

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