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Mazibuko quits as DA parliamentary leader

Lindiwe Mazibuko has quit her job as the Democratic Alliance (DA) parliamentary leader.

JOHANNESBURG – Lindiwe Mazibuko, who became parliamentary leader three years ago, made the stunning announcement to the Sunday Times before she had informed party leader Hellen Zille.

She was due to break the news of her decision to leave to study at Harvard University in the US to Zille this evening.

Mazibuko said, “I took the decision in September when, during a visit to Yale University with others pursuing high-profile careers, the value of such a break became clear to me.

“I had considered it before, and I believe the decision is the right thing at the right time for the DA and for me because it will improve what I can offer the DA politically.”

Both DA leader, Zille and DA Youth leader, Mbali Ntuli wished her all the best for the next year she will be away.

Zille said in a statement, “The Democratic Alliance wishes our outgoing Parliamentary Leader, Lindiwe Mazibuko, all of the best for her sabbatical year in Harvard.

“We rejoice with her at receiving this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity of joining the prestigious Masters in Public Administration Programme at the Kennedy School of Government.”

In a statement DA Youth Leader Mbali Ntuli said, “Lindiwe Mazibuko is everything that is good and right about our party. She espouses honesty, authenticity and a sheer drive for excellence.

“Her acceptance into Harvard is further proof of her focus and determination to be the best that she can possibly be.

“As the DA Youth we continue to be inspired and proud of Lindiwe who has undoubtedly given many of us the courage and inspiration to follow in her footsteps.”

Source: SAPA via City Press

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