The emotional toll of obesity in children

Overweight children are more likely to struggle with low self-esteem, depression, anxiety, and poor academic performance.

Not only are health costs related to paediatric obesity, but your child’s weight issue is also inextricably linked to their emotional wellbeing.

Stigma in society

Living with extra kilos can be heart-breaking for children who are overweight. The social stigma associated with being overweight can be just as harmful to a child as the physical diseases and disorders frequently accompanying obesity. In a society where body size is scrutinised, research reveals that children as young as six years old may identify negative stereotypes with obesity and assume that a big child is simply less likeable.

School bullying and self-esteem

True, some overweight children are popular with their classmates, feel good about themselves, and have a lot of self-confidence. However, if your child is obese, they are more likely than their thinner peers to have low self-esteem. Low self-esteem might lead to feelings of shame about their body, and a lack of self-confidence can contribute to poor academic achievement.


Obese children often feel lonely and are less likely to describe themselves as “popular” or “cool”. They may become withdrawn or prefer to not engage in activities they used to enjoy.

In an ironic twist, some overweight children may seek emotional solace in food, adding even more calories to their plates as their paediatricians and parents urge them to eat less. Add to that the emotional ups and downs of life, such as the stress of relocating to a new community, academic troubles, the death of a parent, or a divorce, and some children routinely overeat.


Other obesity-related consequences persist long beyond puberty and beyond. Heavy teenagers and adults may encounter discrimination purely because of their weight. According to some data, they are less likely to be admitted to a top university. They may also have a lower probability of finding decent jobs than their slimmer counterparts. Overweight women have a worse chance of dating or finding a marriage partner.

What can I do if my child is severely overweight?

Overweight children grow up to be overweight adults, leading to health issues such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and some malignancies.

According to research, children who achieve a healthy weight are fitter, healthier, more able to learn, and more self-confident. They are also less likely to be bullied and have low self-esteem.

You can do many things as a parent to assist your child in losing weight. It is critical to encourage them to be more active and eat healthily.


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