
VIDEO: Shield yourself from energy vampires

We all know a few energy vampires, they complain about everything and are never satisfied with their lives.

They say vampires roamed the earth once, sucking blood from innocent people. Some believe that they still live among us but instead of blood they are sucking your good energy and ruining your day with negative energy.

We all know a few energy vampires, they still hide in the shade avoiding some happy vitamin D. They usually complain about everything and are never satisfied with their lives. But what do you do when they start affecting your life?

Website personalexcellence.co provides excellent advice on how to dispel these vampires from your life.

  • Ground yourself: Be strong and know your happiness. Don’t let the mood of someone else affect yours – even if they direct it at you.
  • Shield yourself: Create an energy shield that bounces off all negative energy. Nothing can touch you.
  • Hang out: Find positive people and hang out with them, their happiness and laughter will soon reverse the damages done by the energy vampires.
  • Lend an ear: Usually, energy vampires have no one to listen to their problems. Be there for them but also, don’t get sucked into the problems. They are also capable of change, try and guide them towards the sun.

Read more tips on personalexcellence.co 

WATCH: How to shield your energy


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