VIDEO: Office fitness workouts for office-bound employees

Don't become a part of the furniture. Do some workouts while you work to stay alert.

In most of our jobs, it’s hard to fit in some exercise, mostly because we stuck behind a desk from 9am-5pm. We are so busy with work we hardly have time to move around or enjoy a healthy  lunch.


But we don’t need to be stuck in a rut, getting unhealthier by the second, there are some small exercises for a office bound person to do while working.

According to fitness site there are some great workouts to do:

Secret seat squeeze: Like Victoria’s Secret, you can keep this exercise to yourself as well. To tighten those glutes, squeeze your butt for five to 10 seconds. Do this until you complete your task at hand.

Desk squats: Mastered the art of standing around? Add a squat! Start standing with feet together (and the desk chair pushed out of the way). Bend the knees slightly so the thighs are almost parallel to the ground, as if sitting in a chair. As you bend, raise the arms straight up or towards the computer screen. Keep the knees together and aligned. Hold for 15 seconds and release. Repeat for four-six reps.

The seated leg raiser: While seated, straighten one or both legs and hold in place for five or more seconds. Then lower the leg(s) back to the ground without letting the feet touch the floor. Repeat (alternating legs if raising them separately) for 15 reps.

Read for more awesome tips.


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