
Cook for Mom – Rice Stuffed Peppers, Rice and Cheese Balls with tomato and chilli relish dip

1 hour and 15 minutes to cook and prepare Serves 4 – 8



  • 250ml               Allsome Rice
  • 1l                      Water
  • 1                      1 pomegranate
  • 1                      Tin of sweetcorn
  • 1                      Raw red cabbage
  • 1                      Fresh thyme


  • 4                      Large red, yellow and orange peppers.
  • 1tbsp                Sunfoil oil
  • 1                      Salt and pepper


  • 250ml               Allsome Rice
  • 1l                      Water
  • 1tbsp                Saffron
  • 2tbsp                Butter
  • 150g                 Mozzarella
  • 50g                   Parmesan
  •                         Breadcrumbs
  • 2tbsp                Flour
  • Half a cup          Sunfoil Oil
  • 1                      Fresh thyme (garnish)
  • 1bottle              Tomato and chilli relish dip – Bought in store


  • Olives and Greek feta cheese
  • Mini baguettes rolls
  • Apples and red plums
  • Passion fruit with sparkling water


  1. Cook the Allsome Rice according to instructions on pack.
  2. Remove the seeds from the pomegranate.
  3. Once the rice is cooked, add the pomegranate seeds and the sweetcorn.
  4. Chop the red cabbage and add to the rice mixture.
  5. Mix the rice, pomegranate seeds, sweetcorn and chopped red cabbage together well.
  6. Cut the peppers into half and remove the seeds.
  7. Brush the peppers with oil and sprinkle on salt and pepper.
  8. Place peppers cut side up in a baking dish. Roast for 30 minutes or until peppers are tender.
  9. Stuff the peppers with the rice mixture and drizzle with oil.
  10. Dissolve the saffron in the hot water and stir into the rice with the Parmesan. Leave to cool slightly, and then stir in the butter and 1 egg.
  11. Beat 1 egg in a deep plate and season lightly with salt and pepper.
  12. Form the cooled rice into 10 balls about the size of a mandarin orange. Make a depression in the centre with your finger and fill with the diced cheese. Seal the opening.
  13. Dust the rice balls with flour and roll first in egg and then in breadcrumbs.
  14. Heat the oil in a deep pan and fry the rice balls, a few at a time, until golden. Drain on kitchen paper.
  15. Place on a serving plate and garnish with thyme sticks poked into the rice balls.
  16. Use the in-store bottled tomato and chilli relish as a dip.

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