
15 July is Pet Fire Safety Day

Many fires are caused by pets, especially when they are left alone in a property.

The combined efforts of the Kennel Club and ADT Security Services led to the first Pet Fire Safety Day being held in the late 2000s.

The idea behind the event is to make pet owners aware of the hazards their beloved cat, dog or other animal could pose in the home with regard to fire.

Many fires are caused by pets, especially when they are left alone in a property and the intention is that by highlighting the dangers to owners, it can help in preventing them.

Pet owners should take advantage of the day to discuss who in a home is responsible for helping a pet escape in the event of a blaze and carry out some practice escape drills.

You can also use your local kennel club to get advice to how to pet proof your home against fires and install a pet alert notice in a window for use by emergency services.

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