
Diary dates

Send your events to southcoastsun@dbn.caxton.co.za

FRIDAY, 1 SEPTEMBER: Probus Amanzimtoti social club meets at 9.30am for 10am in the tranquil, safe and beautiful surroundings of Umbogavango Nature Reserve situated in Umbogintwini. An interesting speaker will be provided for members’ enjoyment. For the bring-and-braai after the meeting, members should take along their own cups, meat, salads and preferred refreshments. Call Sharon-Ann Theron during working hours on 083-312-5360.

SATURDAY, 2 SEPTEMBER: Sanctuary of the Great White Light, 9 Barrow Street in Umkomaas holds its bi-annual clairvoyant day from 9am to 2.30pm. There will be several clairvoyants, Reiki practitioners, tea cup readers, crystals, dream catchers, smudge sticks and other esoteric articles available. Light meals and refreshments can be purchased. Call Gayle on 083-654-5261.

SATURDAY, 2 SEPTEMBER: Flea market/car boot sale run by the Kingsburgh Lions at Winklespruit Bowling Club, 50 Gus Brown Avenue, Warner Beach, starts at 7.30am. For more information, call Sandy on 082-466-6480.

SUNDAY, 3 SEPTEMBER: Amanzimtoti Women’s Forum in partnership with operation Sukuma Sakhe invites all women residing in ward 97 to celebrate women’s month and to engage on how to overcome challenges faced by women in the community. Meet at Amanzimtoti Civic Centre from 1pm. Entry is free. There will be many prizes to be won.

TUESDAY, 5 SEPTEMBER: Members of Amanzimtoti Women’s Institute celebrate the WI’s birthday from 9.15am onwards in the activities room adjacent to Amanzimtoti library at Toti Civic Centre. The theme is shades of pink and members are reminded to wear something pink as well as to bring if possible, a spray of pink blossoms or a few pink flowers in a pink, white or clear vase. One plate of snacks from everyone will ensure a grand birthday feast. For enquiries, call Yvonne on 074-190-0949.

TUESDAY, 5 SEPTEMBER: Join the Israel study group to learn and discover more about Israel’s history, biblical truths relevant to today and Hebrew words and names. The meeting starts at 10.30am at Amanda’s Resturant. After the Israel meeting there will be studies from the Torah. Interested persons should call Marie on 079-386-4185 or on 031-916-1815 or Daphne on 084-679-8097.

WEDNESDAY, 6 SEPTEMBER: Take your friends and enjoy a twilight stroll in the September full moon beach walk at 5.30pm from Baggies Beach (Warner Beach) to Winkle Beach and back. Children are welcome, as are dogs on leashes. For enquiries, call Yvonne on 074-190-0949.

SATURDAY, 16 SEPTEMBER: Attend the Mekudeshet bi-monthly Messianic Jewish celebration which starts at 11am at The Church of St Mary in Warner Beach. Take the turn just before Kingsburgh library. If you are able to and feel so inclined, a small plate of snacks for the fellowship tea afterwards would be appreciated. For enquiries, call Roger on 071-497-1804.

TUESDAY, 19 SEPTEMBER: Join the Israel study group to learn and discover more about Israel’s history, biblical truths relevant to today and Hebrew words and names. The meeting starts at 10.30am at Amanda’s Resturant. After the Israel meeting there will be studies from the Torah. Interested persons should call Marie on 079-386-4185 or on 031-916-1815 or Daphne on 084-679-8097.

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