Diary Dates – 22 January 2016

Send your diary dates to southcoastsun@dbn.caxton.co.za

SATURDAY, 23 JANUARY: El Camino de Santiago, annual practical Camino workshop at St Dominic’s Catholic Church, 1 Mill Road, Hillcrest from 8am to noon. The R25 cost includes handouts and tea. Call Syl Nilsen or Jenny Rooks on 083-474-8086 or 084-952-0622 or email nilsens@mweb.co.za or jen0212sa@gmail.com. Take along a non-perishable food item for parcels for the needy.

SUNDAY, 24 JANUARY: Join in the full moon beach walk at 6pm from Warner Beach main beach to Winklespruit beach and back. Enjoy your own Golden Mile at twilight. Call Yvonne on 074-1900-949 for details.

SUNDAY, 24 JANUARY: Jehovah’s Witnesses hold an one-day assembly at Amanzimtoti Civic Centre. The assembly is planned to start at 9.30am and end at 4pm. This semi-annual event attracts Witnesses and non-Witnesses from Scottburgh to the Bluff. The theme is ‘imitate their faith’, a biblical quotation which is part of the international 2015-16 circuit assembly programme. Entry is free, and no collections will be taken. Everyone is welcome to attend. Contact Trevor Marshall on 083-255-4812 or email trevor@marshaltools.co.za

TUESDAY, 26 JANUARY: SAARP Toti Seniors bring and share tea morning in the activities room of Toti library at 9.30am for 10am. All are welcome. For queries phone Gill on 082-615-7708 or 031-903-7445.

WEDNESDAY, 27 JANUARY: 21 Club luncheon will be held at Lords and Legends conference room at noon for 12.30pm. Guest speaker is Marie Bowker, who will describe her trip through Israel. Décor colours are blue, white, silver and gold. Members are reminded that confirmation of intention to attend or not, and names of guests, must be received by Lyn on 082-572-1328 or 031-903-4026 or Golda on 083-633-6338 or 031-916-7001 no later than Friday, 22 January. Guests must be invited by a member and will only be accommodated if there is room. This can only be confirmed after the closing date.

FRIDAY, 29 JANUARY: Probus Amanzimtoti social club monthly meeting for 2016 takes place at 9.30am for 10am in the safe, beautiful, and tranquil surroundings of the Umbogavango Nature Reserve. For the bring-and-braai after the meeting, members are requested to take their own cups, meat, salads and refreshments. Because of the size of the venue, visitor numbers are limited so interested visitors are asked to call Sharon-Ann on 083-312-5360 by Wednesday, 27 January at the latest, as to gain entrance to the nature reserve the gate security will first check your name against their security list.

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