Diary Dates – 26 June 2015

Send your diary dates to southcoastsun@dbn.caxton.co.za

SATURDAY, 27 JUNE: Car boot sale at Winklespruit Bowling Club, Gus Brown Road from 7am to noon. This event is now run by Kingsburgh Lions Club. All are welcome. Pancakes, boerie rolls, coffee and bar available. Sellers are to book a table with Sandy on 082-466-6480.


SUNDAY, 28 JUNE: Toti Ramblers will meet at Lords to ramble at Rocky Bay at 7.45am. The cost is R20 (no change so exact amount). Enjoy a picnic afterwards. Call Wendy on 083-352-6457.


MONDAY, 29 JUNE: SAARP members going to Mitchells Park on Monday for tea and scones (R38) and the zoo (R4) must book with Maureen on 031-903-4182 or 082-436-9281 or Evadne on 083-731-1332 or 031-903-3697. Meet at the civic centre at 9am to share or arrange transport.


THURSDAY, 2 JULY: Toti Conservancy holds a pub quiz at The Boardroom at 5.30pm for 6pm. Tickets available at the bar. Single tickets cost R130, R240 for a couple and R1,000 for a table of 10. Join in for a fun evening of questions and answers, testing your knowledge on a variety of subjects. Prizes will be awarded to the winners.


SATURDAY, 4 JULY: SAARP members and friends are to attend Legally Blonde with the Illala Club. To book, call Pat Newton on 039-978-2585 by 26 June latest. Cost is R120 per person which includes bus cost and ticket. For queries call Maureen on 031-903-4182 or on 082-436-9281. Collection is normally at Pick n Pay Winklespruit at noon.


SATURDAY, 4 JULY: Woman’s Association Reformed Church situated in Tabor Hall is having a craft market day from 9am in Tabor Hall, 5 Middleton Road Winkelspruit. For more information, call 031- 468-1561.


MONDAY, 13 JULY: Kingsburgh Lions business meetings take place every second Monday of the month at 2.30pm at St Mary’s Anglican Church, Warner Beach.


SATURDAY, 8 AUGUST: Umzinto Secondary School class of 1985 holds a 30-year reunion celebration at a local venue. Forward contact details and class reference to admin@mpa.co.za or natasha.moodley.03@gmail.com or call Natasha at the Rising Sun on 031-402-1343.

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