Tennis 1sts thump Glenashley 5-1

notice has been placed on our notice board to enable members who are willing to help on Saturday mornings to list their names and contact numbers.

AMANZIMTOTI Tennis Club members contested the midweek league on Wednesday, 13 May.

The first team had an excellent win over Glenashley 1 by five matches to one.

Unfortunately the second team lost to North Coast 2.

This league will be completed on 20 May and the last match results will be available next week. Midweek players are to note the Chiltern Open tournament will take place on Wednesday, 3 June.

The poster giving details is on the notice board. Joan is the contact.

Saturday social tennis continues with enthusiasm among players.

Men’s and women’s Saturday league is due to commence at the end of July. Lists are on the notice board for players to enter their names for selection. The club hopes to enter two teams in each category. The men should note their league will be played on Sunday mornings.

An important date to diarise is 13 June for the AGM. If you have any item for discussion at this meeting, contact the secretary Carolann by 6 June latest, to enable it to be placed on the agenda. The AGM details are on the notice board.

The development clinic for primary school children and upwards is held on Saturday mornings from 9am to 10am during school terms. If your child is interested in learning more about the game of tennis, take them to Toti Tennis Club where there are some tennis racquets on loan for the hour. Ideally they should also wear sports shoes. A notice has been placed on the noticeboard to enable members who are willing to help on Saturday mornings to list their names and contact numbers. Consider giving an hour of your time to assist.

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