Editor's note

EDITORIAL COMMENT: Eye in the sky to keep criminals at bay

Tourism is the lifeblood of Toti, and holidaymakers especially will appreciate the benefit of having an eye in the sky perched to survey and keep criminals at bay.

THE installation of permanent closed circuit cameras on the main beach parking lot is a huge step towards ensuring criminals look elsewhere for their next victims.

Sterling beach facilities and safety are among the main priorities for holidaymakers, and Toti main beach is one of the main reasons many inland holidaymakers keep returning to our shores.
Tourism is the lifeblood of Toti, and holidaymakers especially will appreciate the benefit of having an eye in the sky perched to survey and keep criminals at bay.

Equally, locals who frequent the beach, restaurant patrons and those who use the promenade for various leisure activities will appreciate the focus on safety, which is sure to see the crime rate drop in this area.
Here’s hoping that Sapphire Coast Toti Tourism chairman, Jacques van Schalkwyk gets his wish and an extended CCTV is rolled out along the length of the promenade sooner rather than later.

Toti can ill afford a repeat of serious crimes that have taken root on Beach Road last year. By working together in a common cause, the business community can help bring about change.
Kudos to those who have already set the crime-fighting wheels in motion.

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