Editor's note

Matrics – be the best you can be in life

To all yesterday's matrics who are entering either tertiary education phase of their lives or the working world, always remember to focus on your dreams and in whatever you next tackle, do so with gusto and aspire to be the best you can possibly be.

AT a time when our young adults have just received their matric results, parents, employers and colleagues would do well to praise the milestones of those who achieved and support those who feel their best was insufficient.

The many teachers who have helped to shape and mould these youngsters and prepared them for their final exams are also due a modicum of recognition, as the task of inspiring young minds is often a thankless one.

To all yesterday’s matrics who are entering either tertiary education phase of their lives or the working world, always remember to focus on your dreams and in whatever you next tackle, do so with gusto and aspire to be the best you can possibly be.Just as when tackling your matric exams, which at the time seemed a daunting and life-changing prospect, entering the world as an independent young adult means learning many life lessons. Approach each day with the passion and drive that has filled your youth, and you will find that success is sure to follow.

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