Bowls come to an end at Winkle Bowling Club

Every person entering the clubhouse must wear a mask at all times.

The Victory Spar women’s trips was played at Winkle Bowling Club (WBC) on Thursday, 3 December. There was a full field of players and all the women had an enjoyable morning of bowls.

A big thank you to the sponsors, Victory Spar, and also to all the members who helped in the kitchen and the bar staff, who ensured there were refreshments available. And a very big thank you to the competition convener for ensuring the smooth running of the tournament.

Overall winners were Estelle van der Merwe, Margret van Belkum and Elaine Critchlow, and the second session winners were Avril Smith, Gaye Futte and Kate Morris. The 100 board winner was Denise Bingham and the mystery prize winner was Marilyn Thiart.

Members take note that the club’s covid-19 administrator requests that every person entering the clubhouse must wear a mask at all times. This is for your own and all other members safety.

Important dates to remember:
Friday, 11 December: Social bowls, tabs in 1.30pm for 2pm. Floodlight night bowls takes place from 7pm, hotdogs will be on sale prior to the start of night bowls. See the night bowls convener on your arrival at the club for further details.
Saturday, 19 December: The annual Christmas dinner will be held from 6.30pm for 7pm.
Every Wednesday and Friday is social bowls, tabs in between 1.30pm for 2pm.

Members who are celebrating a birthday this month, the president, committee and members wish you a happy and wonderful birthday.

The club will be closed from Monday, 21 December, to Monday, 4 January 2021.

WBC’s president and committee wish all their members, friends and sponsors a happy and blessed Christmas and a prosperous and healthy New Year. To those traveling during the holiday season drive carefully and return home safely.

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